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A weekly (one hopes) short fictions blog, updating on Mondays

Monday, September 6, 2010

King Ethelred IV Part 3

As Albert returned to his lord’s chambers, he finally noticed what had disturbed him about the frenetic atmosphere. Its goal was to produce no effect, never had he seen so much work done to achieve nothing. It was clear that someone had caused a great stir; however, Albert, had no idea who, why, or indeed where all the excitement was for or to. His lord, in his exceedingly finite wisdom had decided that carousing in the city casinos and brothels was far more constructive than visiting with the court who ignored him in any case. Albert did not see eye to eye on this particular point with his lord, particularly today when everyone was upset about that thing that had occurred, that shall be studiously ignored, until such a time as it goes away. Ethelred IV was a stubborn king, and was unlikely to change his mind, whatever that was at the moment. At the very least, his responsibilities would be completed, and the other lords could attempt to regain the favour that they would lose.

As he was musing to himself he narrowly avoided running down Elsa in the underground servant’s hallway that travelled the length of the palace. The corridor was nearly abandoned. “Lass, you’ve nearly killed me with fright. As this passage is plenty big enough to fit us both with a great deal of room to spare, why are you under my feet?”

“Pardon me, sir. I wished to inquire if your son would be travelling with you to the Summer Keep.”

“He is.” He said over his shoulder, as he continued towards the far end of the passage.

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